It’s time for a new start. Kids are back at school/not at home. A lot of businesses have re-opened in some form. Shops are trading. Cafes/Restaurants are open. Other services and businesses have been given a planned start date/timeline. The cobwebs of office spaces are being cleared slowly.
I too feel ready for a new start. But like most people and most businesses, I feel a definite shift within me. I did read somewhere that the only way people make long lasting changes within themselves is when they go through major trauma. Does this pandemic and its impact constitute as a major trauma?
As I reflect on my last 10 weeks at home, I can sum up my time in a few bullet points.
And from all the above, I have learnt and have grown and have changed. But these are the bits of advice that have stuck with me.
Acceptance and acknowledgement of your current situation brings peace and clarity. Which allows you to make clear and rational plans.
Because a lot of decisions and planning in the last few months and over the next few months have been/will be based on your faith that things will work out.
Keep moving by an inch or a mile. Don’t stay in a dark place. Keep moving.
On a particularly distressing day where I had to make some very tough decisions, a friend I had been talking to in the car on the way to the office sent me that message. And he was right. You do remember those hard days. They are clear in your memory. They should always be honoured with respect because they impact greatly on yourself, on others.
But it’s a time for new starts, for new beginnings and I couldn’t have summed it up better than this:New Paragraph
Accept where you are. Plan with clarity. Put one foot in front of the other. Don’t stop. Have faith. Cross those fingers.
And take your experiences and what you have learnt with you over the last 10 weeks on the journey ahead.
On a side note, I asked my Daughter what she had learnt since being home (in reference to my job, my role).
“Mum, you talk a lot, you just don’t stop! And you swear a bit too!
Read more BlogsDate published: 16/06/2020
Author: Urszula Lusk